The trouble with tongue tie

...Is it’s really easy to miss and it only affects breastfeeding…well not really. Yes there are different types, with some being less obvious than others and occasionally there may be a red herring with for example no problems with weight gain or pain free feeds, however there can be a range of other symptoms. Bottlefeeding, eating solids and speech problems can be caused by a restricted tongue.

As breastfeeding counsellors the most important part of our job is to LISTEN to parents. Though it sounds simple it may the first time someone has took the time to HEAR what they are saying about feeding their baby/babies.

As they talk not only is it helpful for the parents but it may also reveal symptoms that may indicate a tongue tie. 

Observing a full feed can give further clues as the babies ability to maintain the attachment may be tiring for them and they may come on and off, frequently fall asleep or get frustrated.

Looking in the baby’s mouth gives me further information about the appearance of the tongue, how it looks when the baby cries and can it reach the roof of the mouth? 

A final essential part is the mobility of the tongue, (being able to stick your tongue out doesn’t mean your tongue is not tied),as our tongues need to be able to perform a variety of movements, there’s no such thing as a ‘bit of a tie, its either tied or its not. Feeling and assessing how the tongue moves may give further clues.

All of these significant pieces of information may add up to a possible tie and in particular should be considered where there are weight gain issues.

If you have would like further information please get in touch with us and look at the websites below.
